Web Site Design


Horn And Whistle


Web site Pricing Information

What will a web site cost me? This is usually one of the very first questions. Although there is no single answer, there are three expenses that are typically associated with a web site. The first one is Domain Name Registration. The domain name is the name of the site. That's the thing that starts out with www. etc.  as for instance the domain name of this Web site which is:


There are many web domain name registration services. Typically the cost runs around $10.00 to $20.00 per year. The second cost is Web Hosting. Your Web site actually resides on a web host computer which is online 24/7 and is where, when customers type in your domain name, they are directed so that they see your Web site There are many hosting plans and companies out there, some are free, and some can cost several hundred dollars per month. Free hosting will be loaded with advertising and may support only the most basic web site necessities. When a client clicks on a site that is hosted free, he will be bombarded by various advertisements. After all, there is no really free hosting. Somebody has to pay! Free hosting relies on the advertising to get its money.
     At the other end of the scale you can have very high-end hosting with, to use the old expression, all the bells and whistles you can possibly think of. Is it necessary? In most cases no. Unless you are a huge company doing thousands of dollars a day in credit card sales on-line or running an enormous database like major banks and mortgage companies or search engines, you won't need that. A typical good hosting plan that meets the needs of 99% of web site owners should run about $75.00 to $250.00 per year, the variations depending on what you specifically need. Of the web sites that I have on the "sites we have done for others," page, the prices for hosting range from a low of about $50.00 per year to $250.00.
     The third price is the one-time site design fee which is what you pay to us or some other web design business. That fee covers the expense and time of actually creating the Web site, putting it all together and getting it on the web. It may also cover registration of the domain and obtaining hosting, both of which are typically done by the web site designer or webmaster as he or she is usually called. The price can vary from a few hundred dollars to several thousand and depends entirely on how many or how few features and pages your site has and how many hours the web designer has to spend creating the site. Some web sites can be put together in a few hours, and some require a week or longer with several designers working in collaboration. A very simple Web site with perhaps just a company logo and simple text on one or two pages could be just a few hundred dollars. If on the other hand you have lots of pictures, sounds, animations, contact forms and credit card handling, expect to pay $2000.00 or more.
     Think of this like the set-up fee that a newspaper has to charge. The nice thing about this is that it's a one time fee only. Once the site is done, there is no more site developer fee. All you need to do is to keep renewing the hosting and the domain name regis-tration annually and that is it* for expenses regarding your Web site, and those can cost easily under $125.00 per year at present rates. Pretty cheap for a multi-page site that can include full color pictures, sounds, contact forms, and even animated or moving text and pictures. You can't get animated text or sounds in a newspaper, at least not with present newspaper technology.
     If you ran a full page ad in a large daily newspaper, you could pay $5000.00 or higher just for that one insertion. If you wanted to run it next week, guess what? Another five grand. You might be able to negotiate a better deal if you tell the paper that you're going to have your ad in every week for a long time, but they'll still get you for a good price.
     But for a lot less than that, you can get an ad on the web, and once you've paid the initial fees, it's there 24/7 as long as you want. No new big expense next week or next month.

* If your Web site requires frequent updating of information and if you opt to have the web designer make these updates, you will incur an additional fee for the time involved to make these updates. A good example is that of an art dealer, who on a monthly basis changes the pictures of the paintings he has for sale on his Web site. He would be charged a monthly fee by the site developer for preparing the new photos for web deployment and then putting them into the Web site. Such fees however are generally only a very small percentage of the initial site design and development fee.

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